Thursday, July 16, 2009

mix CDs

so my girlfriend made me a mix CD. well actually, she gave her friend the same CD too, but let's just forget that part for a second haha.

it's full of cool indie rock. has a shins quote on the cover, hand drawn artwork on the CD and a line from each song in the insert. pretty cool huh?

now it seems I gotta top it somehow, but I doubt my mix CD will be anywhere near as cool haha.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I guess today has been another good day. Maybe I should make a pact that I only write about the good days from now on.

I had work for a few hours this morning. I had to drive into the city, pick up some computers and take them out to the office at Albion, install them, then take the old PCs back into the city and then go home. Easy life. Involved a lot of jamming Sunny Day Real Estate in the car haha.

I got home around 1PM. Went and got my haircut, went for a run, then chilled out for a bit before going to pick up Chris and Nath in preparation for a night of serious hangs. We got home, hung out for a bit, grabbed Davemang and then headed off for Sizzler. Where we met up with Scrad, Dan and Sean. Thomas was meant to come to but he was late finishing work so we just met him at the show. Sizzler was rad. So much food was eaten haha. Kind of made that run I did a few hours before seem a bit useless but hey.

After dinner we did the drive over to South Bank to see CRUEL HAND. Dinner made us end up missing Ghosttown, which was a bit of a bummer but hey.

Word Up! were kinda cool but I went outside after a few songs, kinda cool but in the end forgettable is probably a good description. They just released their debut album I think and this is part of their first national tour (I think?), so good on them, just not my thing.

Against was cool, as always. They've thankfully started busting out old songs again so that's a bonus. I never get Greg these days though, he just talks a heap of random shit on stage haha and it makes me wonder if maybe he's over it? or maybe he's just old and crazy now? I dunno. I Am Vengeance was fun.

Next up was Cruel Hand. Mosh paradise haha. It was good fun. Kids went crazy and even I got loose to a couple of tracks (which rarely happens). Sean has been with them since the debut 7" and I think he was kinda bummed that they only played one song off their first album, which is I guess a bummer for anyone (and a symbol that the band is trying to distance themselves from their older, less moshy side) but hey, they can do what they want. It was fun. Some fight after the show where a security guard let a kid dish out some 'eye for an eye' type justice put a bit of a sour taste in my mouth, but it's not the first time I've felt like that about hardcore shows and I guess it won't be the last.

I dropped Chris home after the show and then Sean and I jammed a couple of episodes of the Shield. Nath and I are now hanging out jamming some music and both lurking the internetz before we go to bed. I can't believe he had never heard Decemberunderground before. It's a good album. Fuck the haters.

Going to Byron tomorrow with some good dudes to see some good bands. Good life. Maybe I'll write another blog about it? Who knows.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


today has been a fairly good day.

Yesterday I had work, hung out a bit afterwards for boardroom drinks (which was suprisingly alright for me and my orange juice haha), read more of 'On the Road' by Jack Kerouac and I finished watching season 5 of the shield, before retreating to bed.

Today I got up late and have been sitting at the computer jamming some sick tunes ever since. Raised Fist, Rival Mob, the new Reign Supreme album and now some live Hope Con. Pre-orders for the new Hope Con 7" are up today, I kinda wanna preorder now so I can get the songs now but I think I'll wait till tomorrow anyway haha. Gonna go to the gym later and then I have work at 5:30PM followed by seeing the gifthorse after. Good life.

Work tomorrow and then I'm gonna come home and watch Garden State. good weekend overall I think.