Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Danger to Myself and Others

I've been really digging the new Most Precious Blood album lately. It ticks all the boxes of a good hardcore album: heavy, angry and decently intelligent. These are the lyrics to the first song 'A Danger to Myself and Others', they're a bit bleak to start with, but I dig the sentiment at the end:

This is my most heartfelt spit in the face
to every one of you who represent this place.
Every word is a knife between the ribs
of every single member of the fucking human race.
Live day by day because life is cold.
It's apathetic and ill-disposed.
No one makes the promise that you'll survive.
When death sees fit to close your eyes it keeps them closed.
This is a place only for those who endure and recognize
the simplest law of nature: you die if you don't grow.
The law of these times: abandon all hope.


life feels like a constant battle between heart and mind
preaching robotic logic while struggling to get out of bed on time
fueled by self blame and self loathing
chased by a constant fear of failing
as I run from the present, run from the past
failing to realise, the writing's already on the glass
drunk with purpose, seeing in black and white
claiming to hate arrogance, still thinking I'm right
judge my enemies, judge my friends
claim to want peace, but won't let the issues end
cut the brakes so there's no way out
it's either hit the wall or ride it out

Sunday, February 20, 2011

oh harro

I haven't posted a real blog in ages it seems. Tonight I was looking through a new pile of records I had and I found some really cool lyrics in a place I wasn't really expecting to find cool, personal lyrics, the last Remembering Never album. About feeling like you're nothing, but at the same time accepting it and moving on with things I guess.

"Please Don't Let My Mother Read This"

From the bottom of the barrel
And I'm still here
We all would like to think that we are more important than we are
I am nothing
It's not hard to understand
I've known it all along since birth
I've never had a sense of pride
I've never had a shred of hope
Believing in myself would be the death of my sincerity
Kill the lights
Face to face with myself
I know that I am nothing
Face to face with myself
I am nothing
This isn't a cry for help
This isn't reaching out
I wonder what this life would be like without me
This isn't even close to my suicide note

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dead Ends

Some days there just seems to be no motivation. Not a single thought in my head seems homogeneous enough to yield even a line of worthy prose.