Saturday, July 12, 2008

Sick of Goodbyes zine #2

The second issue of Sick of Goodbyes zine will be released next week. I was waiting on an interview with Cheyne from Fuck it I Quit, but that's done now so I just need to get it printed now and I'm going to do that early next week.

12 Pages, interviews with Jungle Fever, Fuck it I quit and a Jawbreaker reprint, some reviews of old Australian shit, some zine reviews, some other shitty writing. It will be either a dollar or 2 dollars and I'll probably end up giving out a heap of free ones too.

There'll be 100 copies to start with and I may do more if anyone seems to care/I don't lose too much money. Please get at me if you're interested.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I bought it the other day,
you're alright. wayyyyyy too many interviews, you know how I feel about interviews Chris...