I think everybody should read the top post here. It brings to mind a lot of questions about death and whether it's better to have the chance to die on your own terms or not, but at the same time it's just harrowing. I don't know what else to say, I'll let Derek speak for himself.
Death doesn't scare me. The process of dying doesn't either. Whenever I think of the concept of death, and more importantly my own death, the one thing that sticks in my mind is the worry of things I'll never get the chance to see, and the worry of who i'll leave behind. I like my life. I like listening to new music. I love my friends and family. The only thing that worries me about death is not getting to experience all those things anymore.
Yeah It think for me as an atheist, it's pretty much the same. I don't fear death, I know one day it will come for me but I certainly don't let death define me. I let life define me. I do like the idea of being in control of your own death though. If I knew I had x amount of years left in my life I'd have a chance to wind it all down as I wanted - listen to my favourite records and know it'll be the last time, go to my favourite places knowing it'll be the last time, say goodbye to people and know it'll be the last time etc. Their is some power in that I think.
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