Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Still Ill

I had a dream last week that kind of haunted me, I guess I don't really write/talk about this kind of shit very often, but I was reminded of it tonight, so I thought I may as well share it. 

I think it may have been Wednesday morning? During my early morning snooze (ie. waking up to my alarms and then falling back to sleep haha), I had a car accident in my dream. I was driving through an S bend, going a bit too fast, I lost control and crashed into the front of a barrier on the side of the road. A girl I used to like was sitting in the passenger seat. Time stopped for a second, I said to myself 'what the fuck have I done?' and I woke up. It was almost 8AM. There was no point getting up and going to my 8AM lecture. It was weird, I've never had a dream where I've seemingly killed someone before and I'd never dreamt of that girl before either. I'm sure it means nothing but it annoys me a little bit when I drive sometimes. I looked a barrier on the side of the road on my drive home from work tonight and I kind of shivered. Weird. /end emoness

also, go listen to this:

What a fucking killer set of tracks. A sterling example of a sterling band. 


Unknown said...

omg, i'm obsessed with dream analyses, but anyway this dream is easy to interpret...

basically, subconciously, you feel as if you are not in control of either your life, or your relationship with that girl (maybs that's why it ended) or relationships in general.

I'm guessing because the girl was so prominant that it's with relationships in general... you want to be in control (hence why you are driving, and the girl is passengering) but you feel as if you aren't (hence the crash - something uncontrollable)


Unknown said...

ps. thats pretty personal, and i could be totally off key, so definately delete that comment, if you hate me saying it.